The resources for Bio come in tiers, with difficulty and depth increasing as you go down. For each resource, the description is provided.
This book is very introductory and short, with less than 500 pages. Easy to approach and internalize, this is a good resource for middle schoolers to approach the field of bio. This costs $20 per copy. Click on the book to access the amazon link.
Considered the king of Biology Textbooks, Campbell bio is unrivaled in its coverage and depth, as well as its approachability. While dense and lengthy, this book is the final destination of any Biology student. Prices for the most recent edition can be around $280, but if you scroll and look for previous editions like the 9th, it can be found for around $50-70.
Published by Openstax, the world’s largest publisher of open education resources (by Rice University), this book is a high-quality textbook covering the traditional two-semester biology class in a University. This book is perfect for a student who has some background in science to approach biology. Click on the book for access.